Sunday, December 28, 2008

I wish hospitals didn't have such big crushes on me...

Well, after a summer of jaw surgery, and a semester in clinicals for nursing school... the hospital couldn't handle not having me in it for my winter break, and it dragged me in here for a spontaneous pneumothorax. Its basically my lung collapsing for no apparent reason. I'm writing this blog because I have now been in the hospital since last Tuesday. Christmas is not quite the same in a hospital bed with tubes sticking out of your chest. But I'm lucky to have my family here with me. So yes, hospitals just can't get enough of me.

Thanks for endulging me while I try to pass the time here!

Again, if anyone has any more jaw surgery questions (or now-- I could give you a few tips on spontaneous pneumothoraxes ;) ) let me know.

Happy Holidays :)