Friday, April 4, 2008

D-Day Dreams

You know surgery is close (May 16) when you start dreaming about it! If only there was as little pain as there was in my dream. First off, I was in the hospital be prepped, then suddenly I woke up with a swollen face but no mandibular advancement! I look to my mom and motion that my jaw did not move! She tells me, "The doctor said it didn't set right, so he had to leave it. They have to do the surgery again."
Completely ridiculous, of course. But still, things are definitely seeming a little more real!


Steph & Steve G said...

Hey Leah -- Regarding stocking up on lots of movies....I finally saw "Across the Universe" and loved it. Also, "Dan in Real Life" was cute. If all else fails..just reach for the "Sex in the City" boxed sets! :)

Leah said...

Thanks for the suggestions.. I've seen Across the Universe about 3 times now, just got my roommate to watch it tonight. I've been meaning to rent Dan in Real Life, so I'll put that on the list. I've already made my boyfriend promise to sit and watch the Sex and the City seasons with me while I'm sipping down my meals. Hope your recovery is going well!

Michelle said...

I hate those kind of dreams, unfortunately you'll probably have a few more before the day arrives. Our minds can do funny things like that to us. Everything will work out just fine.
I definately suggest watching movies, after my SARPE I just watched TV and you can't believe how many food channels and food commercials are on until you can't eat. UGH!