Saturday, June 28, 2008

Big News.... (~6 Weeks Post Op)

My orthodontist has informed me that these braces can come off in AUGUST!! I'll recap the appointment...

He sat down and looked at my bite and said it looked great and how good of a job the surgeon did. I told him that I was tender on my left side and had more swelling there. My tissue on my left side had started to grow over the last back bracket (which my surgeon saw at my last appointment, but just to make sure to clean well back there). My ortho removed that bracket and things already seem better. But, that tooth is in "cross-bite". He said that he doesn't want to put me through more than is necessary just so he can say that my teeth are technically perfect, so he said he would just let that tooth stay where it is. That sounded fine at the time, but I've been thinking... this is my 2nd time in braces and I went through that surgery and pain, etc for a reason... I want things to be perfect. I'm going to talk to him again and make sure that if that tooth is left the way it is, that I won't have issues with bite or pain. Since I started thinking about all of this... I've noticed a few more "imperfections" that he didn't specifically mention to me. I want to make sure all of these things are taken care of before the braces come off, depsite how much I want my teeth brace-free!

So, all that considered, I'm hoping by the end of September... you will see these teeth naked again!

You may think... "3 months post op and she gets her braces off?!" Well... its only been about 6 or so years since I had braces the first time, so there wasn't much work that had to be done even pre-surgery. I wasn't even expecting it to happen so soon, though. My ortho had always told me that 4-6 months post-op would be the time frame...

If you saw my last entry... I was really nervous about getting a new wire put on because of all the yanking. He didn't even want to change the wire afterall. He said that even changing a wire can move the teeth and he did not want to do that. I was relieved... but these surgical hooks are killing me and apparently can't be taken off unless a new wire is put on. He gave me some more rubberbands and said to only wear them at night instead of 24hrs.

Thats about all that happened... I drove there and back the same day (5 hrs each way), and since nothing was really done... I'm so glad he gave me such good news to make that long trip worth it.

I've graduated to soft-chew foods! Tonight I went to a local seafood restaurant. Enjoyed actually CHEWING (instead of tongue-ing) blackened amberjack, their famous cheese grits, and black-eyed peas (can you tell I'm in the South?). Its a weird feeling. I've gotten so use to using my tongue, its almost easier that way. I've also accomplished cheese, scrambled eggs, and a soft cookie.

I have not had any pain. Its so strange... I can only be thankful that either a) I was just lucky and nothing went wrong during the surgery, b) my surgeons were great at what they do, c) my age helped me recover quicker, or d) all of the above. I'm just thankful for whatever reason(s) it was.

Question for post-surgery friends: Were your teeth tender? I can tell it is not the type of pain from the actual surgery... but possibly just from the teeth contacting in such a new way. Anyone else?

Here are 6 weeks and 2 days post op pictures =)
You can still see more swelling on the my left side. The scar on my right side is also still there. Hopefully it will eventually get smaller.


Dragon (Karen) said...

Fantastic news Leah!

Great that you're now able to check your teeth/bite and can discuss any issues with your ortho at your next appointment.

Your bite is looking amazing!

holski said...

I can't believe you get your braces off in August. I am so jealous. =) Good for you though! What wonderful news. That is NEXT MONTH!

Where are you these days girl? I need a Leah update!